Function: RenderSearchString

09 March 2007 - 18:16 | Version 1 |
Generates a properly formatted searchstring for either SEARCH or DBQUERY


RenderSearchString is used to automatically generate the search string, including all user-selected options from RenderBarFilterWithSort.

  • FORSEARCH - Specifies search string is to be formatted for %SEARCH{}% rather than the default %DBQUERY{}% format.
  • BASESEARCH - Required - Provides the base search, such as [T]opicType.*value\=.*%BASETOPIC% (for SEARCH) or TopicType = '%BASETOPIC%'" for DBQUERY
  • FACETS - Required Specify what "facets" in include as filters. Defaults to the contents of "Facets" field in base topic.
  • INITSORT -Required Initial sort. set to either "created" or "modified"
  • INITLIMIT - Required Initial results # limit. Set to 10, 20, 50, 100, or all.
  • Note: if you are using this in conjunction with RenderSearchString, you can simplify things by defining FACETS, INITSORT, and INITLIMIT within the base topic.



~~~  search="
*~~    %BASESEARCH%;
%~~    FORMATLIST{"%FACETS%" separator=";" 
~~~          format="$percntIF{ \"$'URLPARAM{$1}'!=''\" then=\"$1.*value\=.*$percntURLPARAM{$1}$percnt\" }$percnt"
~~~    }%" 
~~~   "%BASESEARCH% 
%~~    FORMATLIST{"%FACETS%" separator=" " 
~~~          format="$percntIF{ \"$'URLPARAM{$1}'!=''\" then=\" AND $1 =~ '$percntURLPARAM{$1}$percnt'\" }$percnt"
~~~    }%" 
~~~    order="%URLPARAM{"sort" default="%INITSORT%"}%"  
~~~    limit="%URLPARAM{"limit" default="%INITLIMIT%"}%" 
~~~    %IFDEFINEDTHEN{"%URLPARAM{sort}%" glue="off"}%
~~~       reverse="%IFDEFINED{"%URLPARAM{sort}%" as="modified|date" then="on" else="off" glue="off" }%"
~~~       reverse="%IFDEFINED{"%INITSORT%" as="modified|date" then="on" else="off" glue="off" }%"
~~~    %FIDEFINED%


"[T]opicType.*value\=.*RenderSearchString " order="modified" limit="%INITLIMIT%" reverse="on"

Calls to 'RenderSearchString'

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