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Post TCAO Install Help

09 February 2007 - 12:19 | Version 1 |
This topic is displayed in TopicClassification after TCAO has been enabled within a specific web and outlines some next steps for getting the most use out of TCAO.

Enable forms used by TopicClassificationAddOn

To complete the installation process, you need to manually edit WebPreferences and:
  1. Copy and paste TopicForm, TopicClassForm to "Set WEBFORMS = " .

Optional Setup Steps

  • Copy the following text and paste it into the TCAO topic to provide a useful summary of your classification setup there:
%INCLUDE{"%TCAOWEB%.RenderCreateNewTopicDropDown" }%
  • Copy and paste the following text into the WebLeftBar for quick access to features from all topics in the web:
   * [[%SCRIPTURL{view}%/%BASEWEB%/TopicTree?root=%BASETOPIC%][%ICON{indexlist}% <nop>TopicTree]]
   * [[%SCRIPTURL{view}%/%BASEWEB%/CreateNewTopic?parent=%BASETOPIC%][%ICON{"newtopic"}% <nop>Create New Topic]]

You're Ready to Start Adding TopicTypes and SubjectAreas!

Once these steps are completed, you can get started developing your classification setup. To understand the basic framework, read the information provided below. After that, proceed to TopicTypes and SubjectAreas to add new classifications.

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