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Skyloom Skin

13 September 2021 - 18:30 | Version 14 |

This topic is for storing images and styles for custom branding of Middle Fork Home Wiki.

Other Skin-Related topics

Skin Templates

There are a few skin template files located in the {foswiki root}/templates directory that are used to over-ride specific elements of the underlying NatSkin templates. These files all include seaquencia in their title. For example, searchbox.seaquencia.tmpl= which customizes the search-box in the top bar.

Style Definitions


Saved file: SkyloomSkinStyle.css

@import url(../../System/CustomatoTheme/customato.css); 
/* Start of Modified Default styles */ 
/*.natTopBar {
 background: url('%PUBURLPATH%/Main/SkyloomSkin/blue_ridge_vista2.jpg') scroll no-repeat left transparent; 
 background-position: -25%;
/* .natTopRightContents {
 right: 210px 
.natPanelToggle {
  padding-top: .4em;
  padding-right: 10px !important;
  padding-bottom: 5px !important;
.natPanelToggle, .natPanelToggle a {
  background-color: #3d8fe0;
.natTopShadow {
    border-top: 5px solid #3d8fe0;
.natWebLogoName {
  color: #014576;
li.mobileMenu {
li.mobileMenu > a {
   border-radius: 0 0 5px 5px;
@media(max-width:1180px) {
 .natGreeter {
   display: block;
   text-align: left;
 .natWebMenu select {
 .foswikiRevision { 
 .natWebMenuContents>ul {
    display: block !important;
 li.deskMenu {
   display:none !important;
 li.mobileMenu {
   display:block !important;
 .natNavToggle {
  top: 2px;
 div.padForSidebar {
   padding-right:45px !important;
 .mobileHide {

 div.natTopBar, div.natMainHeaderContents, div.natBottomBar { 

NatSkin config settings to enable local skin

In order to enable the local variation of NatSkin, there must be the following .spec file in /foswiki-root/lib/Foswiki/Contrib/NatSkin. This file is current stored there as Config.local which can be used to replace the default .spec file in the case that NatSkin is upgraded and that file is over-written. However, this text is stored as additional security.
# ---+ Extensions
# ---++ NatSkin
# ---+++ Themes
# **PERL**
$Foswiki::cfg{NatSkin}{Themes}{JazzyNote} = {
  baseUrl => '%PUBURLPATH%/%SYSTEMWEB%/JazzyNoteTheme',
  styles => {
    jazzynote => 'JazzyNoteStyle.css'
  variations => {
    green => 'GreenVariation.css',
    red => 'RedVariation.css'
# **PERL**
$Foswiki::cfg{NatSkin}{Themes}{Seaquencia} = {
   baseUrl => '%PUBURLPATH%/%MAINWEB%/SkyloomSkin',
   styles => {
     seaquencia => 'SkyloomSkinStyle.css'



  • skyloom_logo_small.png:
    skyloom logo small.png

  • skyloom_logo_med_tan.png:
    skyloom logo med tan.png

  • sl_logo_header.png:
    sl logo header.png
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