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WebLogForm for the MiddleFork web

Name: Type: Size:Sorted ascending Values: Tooltip message: Attributes
TopicType label 1   Classify a topic by function  
SubjectArea checkbox 3 Building, Garden Select a catagory  
Url text 25   Url for web page logged. H
Title text 25   Name of web page logged. H
Topic Title text 50   The WebLog title.  
Tags textboxlist 50 , animals, appliances, aquaponics, art, bamboo, bees, berries, biointensive, blue berries, building, business, cabinets, camping, chickens, chile, community, compost, cooking, cover crops, crops, data, dehydration, diseases, diy, drying, fertility management, floor tile, food preserving, fruit, fun, garage, garden, geology, grapes, greenhouse, grilling, handbook, heating, history, homestead, manure, non-toxic, north carolina, orchard, pest management, planning, pond, potatoes, pruning, rabbits, raspberries, reference, relaxation, rocket stove, sauna, seasons, seeds, solar, storage, tai chi, taxes, tools, vine, watauga, water, water harvesting, weather, wood, woodworking, worms    
Intro textarea 70x5   Intro text for weblog  
Extended textarea 70x20   Extended text for weblog  
Related Topic: WebLogs, WebLogLinkList
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